A leader is any human being who interacts with other human beings

We believe every single problem you face, in business and in life, is a leadership problem.

Leadership is a skill and we help you improve that skill

Some of our happy customers:


We offer leadership consultancy and training for organizations and individuals. The training we offer is available as separate modules or long term programmes, in a classroom or virtual. We can conduct our trainings in Estonian, English and Russian language.

What do we offer?


juhtimise foorumid, konsultatsioon


teooria ja praktika


praktika, kus kõik on täielikult minu vastutada


koolitusprogramm vastavalt sinu vajadustele



Theoretical training with practical exercises based on a leadership framework developed by the Special Forces.



Practical leadership trainings, carried out by carrying out real-life small scale missions and receiving immediate feedback.



Practical communication training, providing in-depth theory on how to communicate with people in a more conscious way.



A supportive online environment designed to help leaders improve their leadership skills at a time and place that suits them best.



Get personal guidance from our experienced coaches. From the moment you start taking ownership, everyone wins – you and your team!



Once you’ve gotten familiar with the theory, it’s time to put your knowledge and skills to the test.



Inspirational and motivational talks based on these leadership principles, based on everyday life examples.



Combat Ready instructors support the development of you and your team.


juhtimise foorumid, konsultatsioon


teooria ja praktika


praktika, kus kõik on täielikult minu vastutada


koolitusprogramm vastavalt sinu vajadustele

We help you understand the leadership gaps in your organization and give you a practical, actionable framework to help you solve those issues.

If you’re not sure which solution will best suit your team, get in touch with us and we can support you.

By taking part in our training you will:


On the battlefield, everyone has to be prepared to lead. You will undergo intensive training based on taking ownership using battle-tested leadership principles. Our experiences have shown us that while these principles were learnt on the battlefield, they apply just as strongly to business, life and leading yourself.

Combat Ready's content is based on Jocko Willink's and Leif Babin's
Extreme Ownership principles.


Keys to success:

Train as you fight

Right Mindset + Good Relationships + Practical Training


Unstoppable team

All problems get solved!

If you want to learn more about the leader's mindset and get practical tips on how you can help yourself and your team WIN, follow us on social media.

About Us

We utilise our experience from both the private sector and the Defence Forces to provide you with practical leadership training. The principles of military and civilian leadership have more in common than most people think.

We don’t just teach these principles, we strive to live by them every day.



Take responsibility for everything in your life and solve problems


Subordinate your ego and build relationships with those around you


By holding ourselves to a high standard, we build a better life


New tactics emerge, technology evolves, educate yourself


Take action and make things happen. Action is typically better than inaction.

Theory without practice is only half the solution.
We believe you need to "train as you fight"!

  • Pille

    Leadership Principles From The Battlefield

    Extremely practical, clear and structured. I liked that we started with practice and consolidated the theory on the second day. I also liked that it was not possible to passively sit and just listen. It's great that this also applies to our private lives, which is more important than work life!

  • Egle

    Leadership Principles From The Battlefield

    I imagine that we could do such a day every year, and each time we would learn something new about our team. I think that everyone develops so much in one year that when you are in a situation like this, the perspective would always be different. I really enjoyed today and it really sent a clear signal that regardless of busy schedules and things that seem so important, we can take a step back to contribute to the growth of our collaboration.

  • Vaike

    Leadership Principles From The Battlefield

    The training made me think and analyze my own life situation. Before the training, I felt that I was in a hole with my friends but after the training, I feel I got a direction to move forward. I realized that I had to take responsibility. There was a change in my way of thinking that I hope will stay with me for the rest of my life.

  • Marge

    Leadership Principles From The Battlefield

    I really liked the idea that offence is the best defence. I immediately thought of a teenager growing up at home who successfully practices this no matter what the problem is. At the training, I really liked setting up a real problem and discussions, examples from life, the openness and honesty of the trainers.

  • Viljar

    Leadership Principles From The Battlefield

    I'm going to start practicing now 🙂 How to not getting into a tunnel, see the bigger picture, unravel my thought and behavioural patterns, not giving into my ego, etc. If I myself become a better person, I can be a better example for the people around me. Everything was useful and gave me confidence that quite a few of my own ways of thinking are still completely correct. Of course, you have to deal with yourself all the time and I gained some new perspectives.

  • Marten

    Leadership Principles From The Battlefield

    I am very grateful for the training. It's really wonderful that people with such a professional background share their experience to develop others. I loved how the material was presented to us “as a seed” and constantly reflected upon so that the key messages could take root and grow. The content was clear and understandable. Compared to other leadership training I have participated in, there was more knowledge to transfer to work and private life. I especially liked the directness of the instructors.

  • Paula

    Leadership Principles From The Battlefield

    Very inspiring. It will definitely help me to be a better leader in the future 🙂 What I remembered most was the idea that everything starts with me. There are always things I could change. I really liked that Remo gave examples from real life and situations. That made it easier to identify and create parallels with your profession.

  • Barbara

    Leadership Principles From The Battlefield

    Great! Vigorous, educational, reasonable and interesting! The training was balanced and I liked the exercises in the field the most. Keep going!

  • Kristi

    Leadership Principles From The Battlefield

    The performance was up to par. I have never before experienced a training where I was able to focus so much on the content without my mind going elsewhere (PS! I myself have been a trainer for 17 years.)

  • Kärt

    Leadership Principles From The Battlefield

    A very good balance between practice and theory. Very vivid examples and we we learing from the first moment. What I liked most was the way the instructor conducted the training. I learned the most from this. The exercises highlighted our areas of development and made them quite visible.

  • Markus

    Leadership Principles From The Battlefield

    Thank you again for the awesome workshop. It was very useful and made me think about what is important today, why we come to work and what are our core values. It's awesome that you are still hands-on with us and we have grown together.

  • Andres

    Leadership Principles From The Battlefield

    Thank you very much for yesterday! After the training we sat for another hour and reflected among our team. It was good to see how our thoughts were moving and we analyzed our own perspectives and next steps. It was just the wake up call we needed at that moment!!


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