Extremely practical, clear and structured. I liked that we started with practice and consolidated the theory on the second day. I also liked that it was not possible to passively sit and just listen. It's great that this also applies to our private lives, which is more important than work life!
I imagine that we could do such a day every year, and each time we would learn something new about our team. I think that everyone develops so much in one year that when you are in a situation like this, the perspective would always be different. I really enjoyed today and it really sent a clear signal that regardless of busy schedules and things that seem so important, we can take a step back to contribute to the growth of our collaboration.
The training made me think and analyze my own life situation. Before the training, I felt that I was in a hole with my friends but after the training, I feel I got a direction to move forward. I realized that I had to take responsibility. There was a change in my way of thinking that I hope will stay with me for the rest of my life.
I really liked the idea that offence is the best defence. I immediately thought of a teenager growing up at home who successfully practices this no matter what the problem is. At the training, I really liked setting up a real problem and discussions, examples from life, the openness and honesty of the trainers.
I'm going to start practicing now 🙂 How to not getting into a tunnel, see the bigger picture, unravel my thought and behavioural patterns, not giving into my ego, etc. If I myself become a better person, I can be a better example for the people around me. Everything was useful and gave me confidence that quite a few of my own ways of thinking are still completely correct. Of course, you have to deal with yourself all the time and I gained some new perspectives.
I am very grateful for the training. It's really wonderful that people with such a professional background share their experience to develop others. I loved how the material was presented to us “as a seed” and constantly reflected upon so that the key messages could take root and grow. The content was clear and understandable. Compared to other leadership training I have participated in, there was more knowledge to transfer to work and private life. I especially liked the directness of the instructors.
Very inspiring. It will definitely help me to be a better leader in the future 🙂 What I remembered most was the idea that everything starts with me. There are always things I could change. I really liked that Remo gave examples from real life and situations. That made it easier to identify and create parallels with your profession.
Great! Vigorous, educational, reasonable and interesting! The training was balanced and I liked the exercises in the field the most. Keep going!
The performance was up to par. I have never before experienced a training where I was able to focus so much on the content without my mind going elsewhere (PS! I myself have been a trainer for 17 years.)
A very good balance between practice and theory. Very vivid examples and we we learing from the first moment. What I liked most was the way the instructor conducted the training. I learned the most from this. The exercises highlighted our areas of development and made them quite visible.
Thank you again for the awesome workshop. It was very useful and made me think about what is important today, why we come to work and what are our core values. It's awesome that you are still hands-on with us and we have grown together.
Thank you very much for yesterday! After the training we sat for another hour and reflected among our team. It was good to see how our thoughts were moving and we analyzed our own perspectives and next steps. It was just the wake up call we needed at that moment!!
Practical leadership training (FTX)
The practical part gave us first-hand experience of what it was all about. My thinking in a stress situation was a lot different to the way I’d imagined it would be.
Dmitri Šlõkov
RKIK IT juhtPractical leadership training (FTX)
All the exercises were really exciting. And I liked that there were curveballs that threw your plans into disarray and meant you had to start from scratch in terms of what to do and how to do it. Just like in real life.
Nele Geberson
RKIK, Taristuosakonna Põhja portfellijuhtPractical leadership training (FTX)
A practical, matter-of-fact management training day suited to companies (or departments within them) for ice-breaking, team-building and, most of all, changing the participants’ management-based attitudes and teaching them working practices, all led by experienced former members of the Defence Forces. Everyone is guaranteed to get good management advice and useful tips.
Janari Jaanso
Milrem Robotics Projekti Juht‘How to Human’ training
“For me personally, this was one of the best practical training courses I’ve ever been on. It really pulled me out of my comfort zone and pointed out the weaknesses I need to deal with. It opened my eyes and really got me thinking.”
Kalle Kuusik
Nortal, Head of Delivery Unit‘How to Human’ training
“An eye-opening training course, in the direct sense of the word.”
Alar Alp
RKIK, kommunikatsioonispetsialist‘How to Human’ training
“The theory bit was good, but the practical part was even better. It was real practice – the person I was paired with had no idea what my intentions were. The sense of accomplishment and the buzz I got from it made me realise that I’ll be able to handle myself in any situation, but more than that, I’ll know when other people are trying to use certain techniques on me as well.”
Kadi-Kai Kollo
RKIK, Insener Tehnilise Büroo juhtPractical problem-solving model
“I like that I now have an extra tool that’s been tested and shown to work and that I can use to deal with other issues as well.”
Rein Aksim
FLIR Systems, Tarneahela juhtPractical problem-solving model
“I liked it. There was no waffle. It all led to an actual result we can put to use.”
Indrek Ulst
Mooncascade kaas-asutajaPractical problem-solving model
“I liked the fact the training was very specific and focussed on our use case. I also liked that it wasn’t so much about learning something new, but more about coming away with a really practical solution, and that’s exactly what happened.
The course really cut back the time it took for the working group and management to arrive at the same level of knowledge and understanding of the problem and how to solve it. It also meant we reached a decision and arrived at an action plan a lot sooner.”
Anu Einberg
Mooncascade CEOLeadership principles foundation course
“The principles of paradigms and taking responsibility really spoke to me. The materials and the exercises really helped me take everything in.”
Heili Sitre
Inzmo, Kliendisuhtluse osakonna juhtLeadership principles foundation course
“A great course which gets people in the civil sector approaching situations from a different angle and makes how they handle it more flexible and easier to understand.”
Robert Käsper
RKIK, Sõduri kategooria juht
Ammutades teadmisi raamatutest, koolitustelt ja videodest saavutatakse tavaliselt seisund “teoorias tugev” ehk tean küll, aga ei ole proovinud või õigel hetkel ei tule meelde. Meie eesmärk koolituste läbiviimisel on “puust ja punaseks” ehk mängime läbi reaalsed olukorrad, mis kinnistavad eelnevalt õpitud teooriat. “Treeni nii nagu võitled” ja saad olla rohkem kui lihtsalt teoorias tugev.
Koolitustel kasutame teooriale lisaks praktilisi ülesandeid, et teha lihtsasti arusaadavaks, et kõige kriitilisem komponent lahinguväljal edu ja ebaedu vahel, on juht. Juhid vastutavad kõige eest, mis nende juhitavas üksuses „lahinguväljal“ toimub. Aitame teil nendeks lahinguteks valmistuda. Militaar- ning tsiviiljuhtimise põhimõtetel on rohkem ühist, kui tavapäraselt arvame. Tihti peame otsuseid langetame pidevalt muutuvas keskkonnas, ajakriitilises olukorras, piiratud info ja resurssiga ning meie vigadel on kõrge hind.
Meie poolt pakutavaid koolitusi on võimalik läbida eraldiseisvate moodulitena või pikema programmina. Koolitustel saab osaleda nii üksinda, meeskonnaga kui kasvõi terve ettevõttega. Järgnevate kirjelduste põhjal saad aimu, milline võiks olla just sinule/teile sobivaim variant. Kui otsustamine tundub keeruline, siis võta meiega ühendust ning leiame sobivaima koolituse, mis vastab just sinu või su meeskonna vajadustele.
Kuidas valida koolitust?
Public trainings
Avalikele koolitustele ootame kõiki, kellel on huvi juhtimisalate teadmiste vastu ning soovivad parandada oma elukvaliteeti. Koolitustelt saadud teadmised ei ole mõeldud vaid tööalaselt rakendamiseks, vaid need on samamoodi kasutatavad ka igapäevaelus. Omandatud oskused ja teadmised aitavad sind igapäevaelu stressirohketes sündmustes jääma rahulikuks ning tegutsema kindlalt ning plaanipäraselt. Igaüks on oma elus juht – lihtsalt juhtimist vajavad olukorrad on erinevad, kuid “tööriistad” jäävad samaks.

Ettevõtetele mõeldud koolitused
Ettevõtetele mõeldud koolitustel pöörame fookuse rohkem organisatsiooni sisse. Paralleelselt uute juhtimisalaste teadmiste omandamisega, seome need kohe ka konkreetse ettevõtte huvide ja eesmärkidega. Koolitusi saab läbida nii üksikute moodulitena kui ka pikemate programmidena.
Enda ettevõttele sobiva koolituse leidmiseks mõtle järgnevatele küsimustele:
Kas soovid mingit kindlat sisulist ettevõttesisest probleemi lahendada?
Lahinguväljal valitseb enamasti kaos – kunagi ei ole piisavalt ressursse ega informatsiooni. Tihtilugu tekib sarnane olukord ka organisatsioonides. Probleemid tuleb olenemata olukorrast kiirelt ja eesmärgipäraselt lahendada.
Lahinguväljal on kõik probleemid juhtimisprobleemid ning meie kogemuse põhjal kehtivad samad põhimõtted ka organisatsioonides.
Anna meile teada, millised on hetkel sinu ettevõtte suurimad juhtimisalased väljakutsed ning arutame, kas ja kuidas me aidata saaksime.

Kas teil on kindel üritus või ajaaken, mida soovite sisustada?
Meil on võimalik teha oma koolitustest ka lühemad versioonid, mis sobiksid teie poolt ette antud ajakavasse. Vastavalt vajadusele ja ajaraamile saame pakkuda koolitusi/infotunde lihtsalt uute mõtete saamiseks, meeskonna ühtsustunde loomiseks ja/ või ka suuremal üritusel vahepalaks. Anna meile teada, kes on kuulajad ning mis on ürituse eesmärk ning leiame teile parima lahenduse.
Igal juhul on koolitustest detailsema ülevaate saamiseks kõige lihtsam ühendust võtta ning tulla tasuta konsultatsioonile. Arutame vajadused ja võimalused läbi ning leiame koos sobiva lahenduse.
Enda ettevõttele sobiva koolituse leidmiseks mõtle järgnevatele küsimustele:
Kas soovid mingit kindlat sisulist ettevõttesisest probleemi lahendada?
Lahinguväljal valitseb enamasti kaos – kunagi ei ole piisavalt ressursse ega informatsiooni. Tihtilugu tekib sarnane olukord ka organisatsioonides. Probleemid tuleb olenemata olukorrast kiirelt ja eesmärgipäraselt lahendada.
Lahinguväljal on kõik probleemid juhtimisprobleemid ning meie kogemuse põhjal kehtivad samad põhimõtted ka organisatsioonides.
Anna meile teada, millised on hetkel sinu ettevõtte suurimad juhtimisalased väljakutsed ning arutame, kas ja kuidas me aidata saaksime.

Kas teil on kindel üritus või ajaaken, mida soovite sisustada?
Meil on võimalik teha oma koolitustest ka lühemad versioonid, mis sobiksid teie poolt ette antud ajakavasse. Vastavalt vajadusele ja ajaraamile saame pakkuda koolitusi/infotunde lihtsalt uute mõtete saamiseks, meeskonna ühtsustunde loomiseks ja/ või ka suuremal üritusel vahepalaks. Anna meile teada, kes on kuulajad ning mis on ürituse eesmärk ning leiame teile parima lahenduse.
Igal juhul on koolitustest detailsema ülevaate saamiseks kõige lihtsam ühendust võtta ning tulla tasuta konsultatsioonile. Arutame vajadused ja võimalused läbi ning leiame koos sobiva lahenduse.

juhtimise foorumid, konsultatsioon
teooria ja praktika
praktika, kus kõik on täielikult minu vastutada
koolitusprogramm vastavalt sinu vajadustele