Practical Problem-Solving Model

  • Rein Aksim

    Practical problem-solving model

    “I like that I now have an extra tool that’s been tested and shown to work and that I can use to deal with other issues as well.”

    Rein Aksim
    FLIR Systems, Tarneahela juht
  • Indrek Ulst

    Practical problem-solving model

    “I liked it. There was no waffle. It all led to an actual result we can put to use.”

    Indrek Ulst
    Mooncascade kaas-asutaja
  • Anu Einberg

    Practical problem-solving model

    “I liked the fact the training was very specific and focussed on our use case. I also liked that it wasn’t so much about learning something new, but more about coming away with a really practical solution, and that’s exactly what happened. 

    The course really cut back the time it took for the working group and management to arrive at the same level of knowledge and understanding of the problem and how to solve it. It also meant we reached a decision and arrived at an action plan a lot sooner.”

    Anu Einberg
    Mooncascade CEO

The decision-making process

This practical training course is designed to enable companies to solve a pressing problem, plan a project or make an important decision. 

We learn how to use the  Military Decision-Making Process or MDMP. 

The main aim is to achieve the end result using resources you already have. In the midst of battle you can’t just conjure up better soldiers or more powerful weaponry – you simply have to cope in the situation with the people and resources available to you. By learning the decision-making process and the techniques involved, it’s much easier down the line for you and your team to deal with problems that crop up in your organisation.

The main aim is to make maximum use of the entire team to obtain the best possible answer to whatever the question is with the limited time, information and resources you have.  

You and your team select the specific topic and objective ahead of the training. 

The end result  of the course is an actionable plan for your company for resolving the problem in question.

Topics covered: 


Read our blog to find out more about the real value of participating in this course!